Movies Like ALL YOU'VE GOT

All You've Got (2006)

Two Southern California volleyball teams determined to prove their superiority on the court find out that they're not as different as they previously thought after tragedy strikes close to home in director Neema Barnette's affectionate sports drama. The Madonnas and the Phantoms are two volleyball teams with a longstanding grudge. With a bitter rivalry that frequently spills off of the court and into the streets, the Madonnas and the Phantoms appear to have nothing in common until fate forces them to break down the social and cultural barriers that bind them. Now determined to keep it together on the court as they make their way to the championships, these former rivals are about to find out what true sportsmanship is really all about.

Original Title: All You've Got
Language: English
Release Date: 01/01/2006
Runtime: 95 mins
Status: Released
Links: IMDB
Comedy Family Sports Film