Strawberry Shortcake: Rockaberry Roll (2008)

There's music in the air - and lots of fun, too - for Strawberry Shortcake and all her friends! Strawberry and her pals form their own band, Strawberry Jam, and enter the Strawberryland Talent Show. But when they start playing, no one listens to each other, and they don't make the cut. When the band gets a second chance to audition, the girls discover that with a little teamwork, they can make beautiful music together. And when Peppermint Fizz wants to join the group, her trumpet only hits sour notes. But Strawberry shows Peppermint that if you keep on practicing, those sour notes can turn berry sweet!

Original Title: Strawberry Shortcake: Rockaberry Roll
Release Date: 12/08/2008
Runtime: 45 mins
Status: Released
Links: IMDB
Animation Family

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