The Fairies - Fairy Dancing (2012)

Fairy Dancing is perfect for any child who loves to sing and loves to dance! When Harmony and Rhapsody discover tiny ballet slippers, they remember childhood days of fairy ballet, and decide to spend the whole day dancing with their friends. From jazz to tap, tango to rock ‘n roll, bootscooting to ballet, the fairies discover so many different kinds of fan-fairy-tastic songs and dances. Featuring all of the Fairyland friends dancing through the Snuggery, Elf’s kitchen, the vibrant Fairyland and the top of the garden, Fairy Dancing is full of beauty and friendship and the sprinkling of glitter and magic that is The Fairies.

Original Title: The Fairies - Fairy Dancing
Release Date: 17/01/2012
Runtime: 47 mins
Status: Released
Links: IMDB Homepage
Animation Family Family

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